What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

SERVPRO Southeast Portland did a great job repairing and refinishing my dulled hardwood floors. I have recommended them to friends!

My office has never been so clean! Thank you, SERVPRO Southeast Portland!

SERVPRO Southeast Portland did a great job - even dealing with my hectic schedule.

Thank you SERVPRO Southeast Portland for a great job and brightening my New Year!

Staff was exceptional. They handled everything and walked me thru the process. Couldn't be happier Merci. Thank you so much. KLe

This business was really thoughtful and responded to my call with very polite and helpful employees. Just wanted to say thanks again S.E. SERVPRO and hope we all stay dry next year Merci!!!

My company retained SERVPRO Southeast Portland's services to eradicate smoke smell from a lease return at our dealership. The car was good as new when we got it back! They will definitely be getting more business from us.

I called SERVPRO and they came right away and took care of it completely. They didn't take their equipment away until the problem was completely resolved. We were grateful for their expertise and their quick response.